Friday, August 8, 2008


Today was the first day to file for Assembly seats. I turned in my petitions and was approved at 9 am. I have been overwhelmed with the support people have expressed. Being on the Assembly has been a real growth experience for me.

I did an interview with the Juneau Empire and I told them this experience has really humbled me and brought me to almost-- it sounds cheesy - but a love affair with this city. I have seen so many different sides of life. I have had the opportunity to meet so many different people. Juneau is just filled with committed citizens who want to make the world a better place. It is inspiring, and it is humbling.

I think I can contribute to the effort to make Juneau a great place to live. I think I can contribute to making democracy not just a word, but a way of life-- citizens acting together, as a community.

There are a lot of challenges ahead. Capitol creep is challenging us to make Juneau more than just a government and tourism city. We need to diversity our economy and support a broader array of businesses to give people good jobs so they can afford a good standard of living. It is all linked.

I look forward to continuing to work for this great Borough.

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