I had noted previously about the Planning Commission permitting some communication towers. An appeal to the Assembly has now been filed, so eventually we will “hear” that. FYI- In the Assembly’s quasi-judicial role, I can’t talk about the issues outside of the hearing. However, if you want to learn more- the Planning Commission minutes on that decision are now posted. This decision begins at the bottom of page 15 http://www.juneau.org/plancomm/documents/011309.pdf
I have a My Turn in today’s Empire on the issue of the Kensington Mine. Basically I criticize several of my Assembly colleagues who have turned into Kensington Mine spokespersons and the publicity campaign which asserts Kensington is some kind of public interest organization rather than a private corporation. I’d be interested in hearing from anybody on their reactions.
Monday’s Assembly meeting was not overly eventful (I’m sure some feel differently). You can check out the agenda through the link at the right.
The high profile news out now is the issue of recycling and dropping commodity prices and the fact that the processors are not even accepting paper anymore. If we continue to accept paper and ship it south, we will have to raise the community’s garbage collection rates. On the other hand, we already know that the proposed community wide curbside recycling will also raise rates. The consultant’s report on all this can be found at http://www.juneau.org/pubworks/projects/SWMS/
Applications for CBJ Social Service grants are due February 15. http://www.juneau.org/SSAB/pdfs/FY09-10BlockGrantPacket.pdf
Reminder: comments on the Passenger Fee Proceeds are taken until February 15.
And the live streaming web cam on the downtown transit center is still running through Sealaska at http://www.sealaska.com/object/webcamtest
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I used to respect you as an Assemblyman, no longer...
Typical fence sitter. The reason we have Assembly folks is to have a voice for the majority instead of the vocal minority of our Star Hill gliterarty.
I love Sara and Merril and respected your opinions on the issues. This however is over the top.
Typical nasty post from unablogger.
Those frequenting the Juneau Empire forums have learned to disregard just about everything he/she posts.
I know...Very nasty indeed.
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