Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Layoff update

We had the discussion on layoffs Monday. I said we needed to consider other budget cutting options before laying people off. After some discussion, I made a formal motion and it was approved -barely- 5-4. I was supported by Bob Doll, Jeff Bush, Ruth Danner and Johan Dybdal. The Mayor, Randy Wanamaker, Merrill Sanford and David Stone voted to go ahead with the layoffs. We'll see what happens next round.


Brady said...

Have you thought of mandatory furloughs? 1 day a month saves ~5% in labor costs.

Brady said...

Furloughs could offset the raise the union wants. You pay them more but they work less, so it becomes a wash.

What discretionary spending can be cut in your mind? Are there any capital expenses that can be delayed for a while? Are there new creative revenue ideas?

Jonathan said...

The problem with furloughs is that the Union has categorically refused them in their contract-- so they cannot be imposed on any but non-union members.