Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The legislature has adjourned after throwing a lot of money here and there. Now we wait and see what the governor will veto in an election year. One interesting thing for the city is the maneuvers around the Mental Health Trust office building that was planned for the subport – in front of the Coast Guard building. Senator Stedman had issues with both the Trust and with Representative Munoz and so he held up her legislation in Senate Finance. In the end 5 million was allocated to “study” SOME location for an office building. If that makes it past the Governor’s veto pen, there will be more fun and games as locations are lobbied for. One competing alternative location is said to be in the Valley in the Vintage Park area across from Safeway. More on all this once the veto pen has been wielded.

In my last post I noted the Assembly Committee of the Whole was talking about a possible Enterprise Board to run the new Diamond Park pool as well as Augustus Brown. There are a number of interests at stake here including who will control what events and activities are scheduled for the pools. CBJ Parks and Recreation is implicitly criticized as too bureaucratic to be good managers. This moved out of Committee of the Whole and will go to the full Assembly. Establishing another Enterprise Board would require a Charter amendment that would go before Juneau voters in the Fall ballot.

More politics – this time surrounding Bartlett Hospital. The management team that took over after Bob Valliant died has been criticized by many as being heavy handed, top down and insensitive, especially to nurses. Others have come to the defense of management. We had a meeting with the Hospital Board last week where a lot of this came out. The Hospital is trying to implement a process of employee involvement to deal with some of the criticisms. The Assembly said it wanted to meet with the Board again in six months to hear of progress.

The Assembly sitting as the Finance Committee continues to meet Wednesday nights. Various groups who have been funded in the past come to the Assembly and ask that their funding be continued. The Assembly does not review the budget line by line. The City Manager by law submits a budget that is balanced – and this year that includes all previous groups funded at the same level as last year. The city has made up its deficit by not filling positions, cutting travel and using tobacco tax money, and it is unlikely to question any of the various budgets. It will probably only talk about requests for more money. That is difficult because there are few sources for “extra” money – particularly in the current year. The one place where there is some wiggle room is in the anticipated increased income from the higher tobacco tax. We used some of it to balance the budget (along with reserve funds). But there is a few hundred thousand more that remains unallocated at the moment and the Assembly will have to deal with the many groups that want a piece of that. It will probably be bounded by a self imposed intention to only use that money for substance abuse or other social service expenses. [Of course if everyone stops smoking we won’t have any of the money!!]

The City Streets Department that was located under the downtown bridge will soon move out to the new Consolidated Public Works building at 7 mile. Now we have to decide what to do with the space under the bridge. We have begun a public comment period to get feedback from citizens. Please take the time to review the plans and offer comments. There is competition from multiple interest groups on what to do with the land. Docks and Harbors wants it. There are proposals to commercialize it. Look at the power point presentation. [Unfortunately it is a huge pdf file, but it is worth downloading.] Use the feedback form or contact Skye Stekoll.

Docks and Harbors is continuing its plans and permitting for Statter Harbor renovation. Right now there is a public comment period from April 2 – May 3. If you are interested in this project please review and give your feedback

CBJ began its Junk Car Roundup April 19 and it will go to May 31 or until we reach our maximum. So if you have a car to dump, do it now.

Is that enough for you????


Unknown said...

Didn't the waterfront plan call for that area under the bridge to be a park? Makes you wonder the value of planning when plans are forgotten/ignored!

Jonathan said...

The Waterfront plan is very definitely at the forefront of the conversation on the area in question. Our community development plans give a framework for thinking, but they have never been the final word. Everything still must go through the Assembly for final approval.