Friday, July 30, 2010

I don’t know if you have tuned into this news, but there is growing scandal in California over municipal salaries. It was started by a revelation that the city of Bell, California – a 40,000 person community of middle to lower class individuals was paying 4 of their 5 city council members $100,000 a year, their City Manager over $800,000 and their police Chief $450,000. Other salaries were also high. You can google Bell California and find a bunch of stories. Click Here for a link to one of them

This has stimulated interest in many communities of what they are paying their representatives and professionals, so I thought I should lay out what you are paying in Juneau. The City Manager’s pay is $176K but we do not pay him PERS benefits. The Deputy City Manager receives $132K and the Police Chief receives $123K. There is a link to the 2010-2011 CBJ Budget in the right menu column of this blog. Every department listed has a final page of “Staffing” and it lists the salaries paid to different positions.

Among elected and appointed officials – Juneau pays its Mayor $30,000 a year and expects them to put in about ½ time. Other Assembly members receive $6,000 a year. School Board Members receive $3,600 and Planning Commissioners receive an $1,800 honorarium. No other Board members, including all Enterprise Board members receive any salary.

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